
About Us

We are pleased to offer You our services & tailor-made solutions from the area of HRM as well as widely understood Interior & Exterior Design. Mainly our design knowledge is based on longlife extensive experiences & theory of development of public & private space based on the cultural proxemic patterns. Regarding that we are giving you with pleasure the holistic design collection which takes You to the journey through the decors closed in the 7 modes.

Just to make designing as easy as possible we have created modes and setups of decors, perfectly matching with color, light, material and structure. Explore the 7 themes of the collection and discover with us the rich world of colors, textures, patterns considering the newest trends and ecological sensitivity.

We want the collection to inspire You and instead of grouping decors according to the type of wood, we have arranged them in styles and modes: from elegant and subdued to colorful and energetic.

Hopefully You will enjoy our collection & working with us.